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Top 3 common security threats to protect your business from

Businesses in a variety of sectors face security threats daily, whether they are a small business operating from a local office, or a global organisation with 25,000 employees. These threats come in various forms and may not always be obvious, until the crime has already been committed and damage has been done. Therefore, it is vital to know how your business could be vulnerable, in order for adequate security measures to be put in place, to reduce risk and prevent breaches from happening entirely.

1. Burglary and Theft

With many businesses holding valuable items on site, such as machinery and tools, cash registers and company vehicles, it’s no wonder that business premises are prone to criminal activity. Many criminals carry out reconnaissance on businesses, to establish the volume of valuables that are available and if they are easily attainable. Other places may be subject to ‘smash and grab’ burglaries, where opportunists gain entry and take whatever they can as quickly as possible.


There are various physical security measures that can be adopted to reduce the risk of criminals breaking and entering. A high-quality accredited security system is the first step, with integrated video surveillance and intruder alarm systems. Both CCTV and burglar alarm systems help to provide a deterrent to criminals from targeting a business in the first place, as thieves are unlikely to want attention drawn to themselves with a loud siren, or have their identity captured on camera.

Intruder alarm systems that are monitored can alert a keyholder, and even the police, that an alarm has been triggered, so that incidents can be responded to immediately. Video surveillance systems that are monitored by an ARC (Alarm Receiving Centre) can also detect suspicious activity, through analytics, to alert the relevant parties in real time that a breach may happen imminently or be in progress.

2. Unwanted visitors in the workplace

Unknown visitors can pose a variety of security risks to a business. With unknown intentions, people who are unaccounted for could carry out any number of criminal activities. Some of these could include theft, violence, gaining access to sensitive information or analysing the premises for a future burglary attempt. It is therefore vital that a business knows exactly who is in or on their premises at any given time, and their purpose for being there.


Access Control systems are a great security measure to allow only authorised individuals inside the premises and keep unwanted visitors out. This allows the freedom to do background checks and deny entry to those without the right credentials. Having an access control system in place not only protects assets, such as expensive equipment, or even office supplies, but helps to keep those in the premises safe. Besides keeping potentially dangerous persons out, Access Control systems can prevent people from going near a potentially dangerous area or high-risk equipment (even if they weren’t authorised to be on the premises to begin with).

3. Cybersecurity breaches

Many people are aware of the risks of hackers within computers and mobile phones, but often other network breaches go amiss. Despite ongoing technological advancement in the security sector, IP video surveillance systems can also be subject to hacking. Just like all other devices connected to the internet, surveillance cameras have IP addresses that, if vulnerable, are easy to find.

In the same way that criminals look to find vulnerabilities in physical security of your premises, such as an unlocked window or camera blind spot, hackers aim to find weaknesses in IP security systems and their networks, to breach privacy and access sensitive data.


- Secure your wireless connection

Giving your router a strong password and regularly changing it can prevent hackers using automated software to crack easy-to-guess passwords and gain access to your network. Turning off guest networking and sharing minimises your chances of a spoofing attack. You may also install a firewall between your devices and the internet connection to maximise protection, or use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to keep your IP disguised.

- Keep your software and firmware up to date

The manufacturers of CCTV systems will periodically send out updates that fix software bugs and other vulnerabilities. These updates help the system work more efficiently and protect the camera and your security from being compromised. Some systems automatically download updates as soon as they are rolled out, while others require you to manually update them. These updates should be implemented as part of a routine maintenance service, by your security provider, if the system has a maintenance contract in place.


Are you worried your business may be at risk? Watch Systems Ltd can provide a thorough security risk report for your business premises and advise how to overcome potential exposures to criminal activity. We specialise in designing, installing and maintaining bespoke security systems in a variety of settings. To find out what we would recommend for you, contact us here.



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