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Top 5 Security tips to keep your property safe this Christmas period

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but unfortunately, some see the festive period as the time to take advantage and commit crime. With gifts around the house and being delivered by couriers, and properties empty whilst people visit relatives, the Christmas period poses more opportunity for thieves. We’ve put together some tips to help you stay vigilant and keep your property secure over the coming weeks.

1. Deter thieves with CCTV

Having a Video Surveillance System in place at your property is a great first step to deter opportunistic thieves. Generally, criminals are not well prepared or experienced enough to bypass security measures that may be in place. Having cameras visible will usually be enough unnerve them and buy valuable time to make them reconsider their actions.

Most CCTV systems can also be monitored remotely, whether through an accredited Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) or via a smartphone application, provided the recording equipment is connected to the internet via ethernet. Having the ability to view cameras in real time is a great re-assurance, especially if you’re going away over the Christmas break.

2. Consider an Intruder Alarm

Installing an intruder alarm system is a simple deterrent against burglary. The presence of an illuminated bell box on the front a property warns thieves that the premises is protected and may sound an alarm in the event of a break in. As well as this, if the intruder alarm system is monitored, authorised keyholders and even the Police (if a URN is in place) receive notification immediately in the event of a security breach, so that they can attend the property rapidly.

3. Light up your property

Dark winter nights are the perfect camouflage for burglars trying to gain access to your property. Having security lights in place can act as both a deterrent, as well as an effective way to spot any potential trespassers. Many modern security lights have PIR (Passive Infrared) detection, meaning they turn on when movement is detected nearby. These types of lights are readily available, easy to install and a cost-effective solution to help cover the external areas of your property.

Festive lights can also help to provide illumination around the property over the Christmas period. However, a common mistake that puts your property at risk is feeding a power cord through a gap in an open window, which gives opportunists incredibly easy access. It is worth noting that flashing decorations may obscure the view of CCTV cameras and whilst security systems should be checked regularly, it is especially important to ensure equipment is working as it should be after making changes to the external environment.

4. Keep valuables secure

Hiding gifts in the run-up to Christmas may be difficult, but the importance of leaving presents out of sight from potential opportunists is paramount. The more valuables a thief believes to be inside, the more tempting your property becomes as a target.

Assets in general should be kept secure at all times, as not only brand-new gifts are targeted by thieves. Particularly with high-value items, such as jewellery, watches and cash, it is worth considering an insurance approved safe, especially if the property is left unattended over the Christmas period.

5. Don’t let your house appear vacant

Whilst ‘Home Alone’ is a great over-the-top example, creating the illusion that someone is in can be simple and may be enough to discourage criminal activity. As an example, Smart Lightbulbs can be set to a schedule through a smart phone application. Alternatively, lamps can be operated using plug in timers to turn on and off at pre-set times. If you’re away for a long period of time, asking a neighbour or trusted individual to take in parcels and letters, as well as put out the bins as normal will help it look like business as usual, even if no-one is around.


By taking precautionary measures, you can help keep your property safe over the festive period. Watch Systems Ltd specialise in designing, installing and maintaining bespoke security systems across the West Midlands. To find out how we can help secure your property this winter, get in touch here.



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